Best Wedding Dress Designers of 2023: Top Bridal Gowns for Your Royal Wedding

Best Wedding Dress Designers of 2023: Top Bridal Gowns for Your Royal Wedding Bergamot Bridal London Ontario

As Jessica stepped into the lavish bridal boutique, her heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. Today was the day she had been dreaming of since childhood - the day she would find the wedding dress that would transform her into a queen for her special day. The boutique was a treasure trove of exquisitely crafted gowns, each embodying the elegance and sophistication she yearned to possess. Chandeliers cast a warm, inviting light on the delicate fabrics, and the air was perfumed with the scent of fresh roses.

Whispers of a legendary dressmaker, known for creating the finest wedding gowns in the world, had reached Jessica's ears. Determined to wear one of these unparalleled masterpieces on her wedding day, she perused the boutique's racks with the utmost care. And then, she saw it - a gown so breathtaking it seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly beauty. She knew instantly that this was the work of the famous dressmaker. The intricate lace, the flawless fit, and the way the gown seemed to embody the essence of love itself - it was a true work of art.

When Jessica emerged from the dressing room, clad in the spectacular wedding gown, tears welled up in her eyes. She felt as though she had discovered the most incredible dress in the world, as if it had been created just for her. Overwhelmed with triumph and happiness, Jessica knew that this gown would make her wedding day even more magical than she had ever imagined. In that moment, she was more than a bride-to-be; she was a queen, prepared to embrace her happily ever after in the most extraordinary wedding dress that had ever graced her dreams.

Searching for the Perfect Wedding Dress: Factors to Consider

Your wedding day is a momentous occasion, and finding the perfect wedding dress can feel like a dream come true. But how do you decide who makes the best wedding dresses? In this blog, we will explore the top five factors to consider when searching for the ideal gown for your big day. We'll also touch on the importance of personal preference in finding the perfect dress for you.

Cost: The Price of Your Dream Gown

When it comes to selecting the best wedding dress, cost is always a significant factor. Drawn from our experience, brides often have a budget in mind when searching for the perfect gown. It's crucial to remember that a higher price tag doesn't always guarantee a better dress. When looking at wedding dresses, consider the designer, fabric, and embellishments to determine the true value of a gown.

For example, imagine purchasing an expensive designer handbag. While the brand name might carry a certain prestige, the quality of the materials and craftsmanship should ultimately justify the price. The same concept applies to wedding dresses – a higher price should reflect the quality and detail of the gown.

Based on our firsthand experience, some brides might find a beautiful, affordable dress from an up-and-coming designer, while others may splurge on a gown from a well-known fashion house. Ultimately, the perfect wedding dress should fit within your budget while still making you feel like a million dollars.

Don't forget that alterations and accessories can also add to the total cost of your wedding dress. Be sure to factor in these expenses when determining your overall gown budget.

Style: Finding the Perfect Silhouette and Design

Your wedding dress should reflect your personal style and flatter your body type. The best bridal gown for you will be one that highlights your features and makes you feel confident as you walk down the aisle. Some popular wedding dress styles include ball gowns, A-line dresses, mermaid dresses, and sheath dresses. Each silhouette offers a unique look and feel, so it's essential to try on various styles to find the one that suits you best.

When considering the style of your wedding dress, think about the theme and venue of your wedding. A traditional ball gown might be perfect for a grand, formal affair, while a bohemian lace gown might be better suited for a garden wedding. Your wedding day look should complement the overall atmosphere and tone of your celebration.

As you explore different wedding dress styles, pay attention to the details and embellishments that make each gown unique. Lace, beading, embroidery, and ruffles can all add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your bridal look. At the same time, a simple, minimalist design might be just as stunning.

Remember to consider the practical aspects of your wedding dress as well. A heavy, beaded gown might be uncomfortable to wear for an extended period or during a warm summer wedding. On the other hand, a lightweight, flowing dress might be more suitable for a beach or outdoor ceremony.

Comfort: Ensuring You Feel Your Best on Your Big Day

Comfort is a crucial factor when selecting the best wedding dress. After all, you'll be wearing your gown for an extended period on your big day – from the ceremony to the reception and possibly even an after-party. The perfect dress should not only make you look incredible but also allow you to move and dance with ease.

Our team of consultants discovered that the fit of your wedding dress plays a significant role in ensuring your comfort. A well-fitted bodice and skirt can help you feel secure and supported, while a too-tight or loose gown might cause discomfort or wardrobe malfunctions. Be sure to work with a skilled seamstress to make any necessary alterations to your gown for the perfect fit.

The fabric of your wedding dress can also impact your comfort. Breathable materials like cotton or silk can help keep you cool during warm weather, while heavier fabrics like satin or velvet might be more suitable for a winter wedding. Consider the climate and temperature of your wedding day when selecting a gown.

Lastly, it's essential to consider any potential allergies or sensitivities when choosing a wedding dress. Some brides may experience skin irritation from certain fabrics or embellishments, so it's crucial to select a gown that won't cause discomfort.

Color: Choosing the Perfect Hue for Your Wedding Gown

While a traditional white wedding dress might be the first thing that comes to mind when we think of bridal gowns, today's brides have a wide variety of colors to choose from. From blush pink to champagne, the perfect wedding dress color will depend on your skin tone, personal style, and wedding theme. Don't be afraid to explore different hues and shades to find the one that makes you feel most radiant.

Our experts recommend considering the lighting of your wedding venue when selecting a gown color. A dress that looks stunning in natural sunlight might appear washed out under fluorescent or dim lighting. Keep this in mind when trying on gowns and making your final decision.

Remember that your wedding dress color should also complement the overall color scheme of your wedding. For example, a bold red gown might clash with a soft pastel color palette, while a pale blue dress might be the perfect addition to a beach-themed wedding.

Ultimately, the perfect wedding dress color should make you feel like the best version of yourself. If a traditional white gown isn't for you, don't be afraid to think outside the box and choose a color that reflects your personality and style.

Accessories: The Finishing Touches for Your Bridal Look

The best wedding dress is often accompanied by the perfect accessories. From veils to jewelry, the right finishing touches can elevate your bridal look and make you feel truly special. When selecting accessories, it's essential to strike a balance between adding visual interest and not overwhelming your gown.

For example, a statement necklace might be the perfect addition to a simple, strapless gown, while a pair of delicate earrings might be better suited for a dress with intricate lace detailing. The key is to choose accessories that complement your gown and highlight your features.

Another essential accessory to consider is your bridal shoes. The perfect pair should not only match your gown but also provide comfort and support throughout your wedding day. When shopping for shoes, consider factors like heel height, material, and style to find the best fit for you.

Finally, don't forget about your bridal bouquet! The perfect wedding dress can be enhanced by a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that complements your gown and wedding theme. Work with your florist to select blooms that will tie your entire bridal look together.

Personal Preference: The Most Important Factor in Choosing the Best Wedding Dress

While the factors we've discussed are essential to consider when searching for the best wedding dress, it's crucial to remember that your personal preference should ultimately guide your decision. Every bride is unique, and the perfect gown for one person might not be the right fit for another.

Take the time to explore different designers, styles, and fabrics to find the wedding dress that speaks to you. Trust your instincts and listen to your heart when selecting the perfect gown for your big day. If you feel beautiful, confident, and comfortable in your dress, it will undoubtedly be the best wedding dress for you.

Remember, your wedding day is a celebration of your love story and the beginning of a new chapter in your life. The perfect wedding dress should reflect your personality, style, and the love you share with your partner. Don't be afraid to be true to yourself as you search for the best bridal gown.



Searching for the best wedding dress can be a magical journey filled with excitement and anticipation. By considering factors like cost, style, comfort, color, and accessories, you'll be better equipped to find the gown that makes you feel like the bride you've always dreamed of becoming. And, remember that your personal preference should always be the guiding force in your search for the perfect dress. 

At Bergamot Bridal, we understand the importance of finding the perfect wedding dress. Our dedicated team of consultants is here to help you navigate the world of bridal fashion and find the gown of your dreams. Book an appointment to try on your favourite dresses or browse our online store for dress styles, and let us help you make your wedding day vision come to life.

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